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Dear Angel

Dear Angel,

How's life? I wish you were always okay there. Long time no see, I miss your smile and your voice when you say, "Hi dear.."

I wanna send my apology here, hope you will read it someday. I've stayed in your days, and theirs too long.

I'm sorry that I couldn't be a right person for you, and for them by all this time. But I've already done all of my best just to make them smile. I'm sorry if it was disappointing, I couldn't be there by their side every time although I want to.

I love you, and I love them just the way you are. But this love isn't enough to make me stay longer. The destiny showed me that I shouldn't be there. There was another person that, I hope she is better than me in making you smile, replace my position.

I should go now, Angel. Maybe this is the end of my task for you and them. Always wish that my presence will have a special meaning in your life. Good bye, you all :)


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