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Nowadays, handphone becomes the one of the primary needs of many people. And I think almost everyone in this world have handphone. Since it found about twenty years ago, handphone is being “a must have and must bring” thing. Everywhere, and everytime.
Handphone can make the distance become closer, world become narrow. Just with clicking the numbers button, we can speak to our friend in another place, even in other country. And then with the latest technology of 3G and 3.5G we can also see the face of the caller. That’s so nice!
Then, when we feel lonely or boring, we can listen to the radio or music player. Moreover, we can also play many games or download many applications with the internet service. If you find some beautiful views, and you don’t want to lose those moments, you can save it by take some pictures with your mobile camera.
Have you ever feel lost? In a place that you never know before? Now, it is not a hard problem. With the high-end technology of handphone, you will know where is your location by the GPS service and find your way home by GPS too.
Next, if you need an urgent information, you just need to access the websites in your mobile browser. It’s easy, isn’t it?
When you want to watch your favorite TV program but there’s no TV near you, what would you do? When you have to finish your presentation this time but your PC was damaged, what would you do? Don’t worry, many vendors released more than fifty series of Smartphone per year. These Smartphones provide many features that simplify your life. You can watch TV, do your presentation, use mobile dictionary, edit videos or photos, calculate something, and many more.
But beside those profits, handphone also give many disadvantages. Of course the first, if we are the “handphone addict” we spend more money. Sometimes, we use our handphone for many unimportant things. The second, if we use our handphone too much, it can disturb our concentration in our job, like study. I often see many students are busy of sending SMS when the teacher is teaching in front of the class. The next, handphone makes us forget everything. If we are playing our handphone seriously, we will forget everything and waste many times.
There are still many disadvantages of it. So, from this explanation I would like to show you all that handphone is a important thing. But, if we use the handphone too much, it can give us many disadvantages. So, from this simple article, I hope you can pick a summary that we should use handphone normally.


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