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What do you think about "SMILE"?
Smile is one of the important element in our body language that everyone has it. Smile is a motion of the muscles in face, especially in lips and eyes muscles. Smile mostly expresses pleasure, happiness or amusement. Cross-cultural studies have shown that smiling is used as a means of communicating emotions throughout the world. There are two kinds of smile, false smile and true smile.
The differences between the false and the true smile
No Indicators False True
1. Period Usually occurs in a long period Usually occurs in a short time and spontaneously
2. Eyes There’s no change in the eyes The eyes will squint
The false smile is a smile that occurs when someone force himself to make a nice face or forced to do it for saving himself from a bad condition. A false smile occurs in a long period, longer than the true smile.
A new fact about false smile
A psychologist in Frankfurt University explained people that potential to get a physical disease are people that work in a public service place. Such as : receptionists, stewardess, waitress, and customer servicers. Why? Because they force to pretend by showing themselves that they are friendly and cozy when they serve the customer.
The 'true' smile
The true smile is expressing a spontaneous happiness and the honesty feel. This kind of smile is needed to make the harmonious between people in the entire world.
These all can happen because of the symbols that exist in smile, these are love and affection.
The true smile usually occurs at a short time and the truth can be felt directly by everyone who get it, and then leave a nice impression for themselves.
Wise Man Says
• A true smile is more expensive than the gold and diamond.
• A true smile is a beautiful and clear language though without translating it into the words.
• A true smile is a net of heart
• A true smile is smile that closes a far people and calms down the afraid people.
The (true) smile and the key of heart
The key is a key that use to open the other’s heart. So with it, we can enter human’s heart, so we find their heart are free for us to be filled. And we find there is an acceptance to live inside sincerely.
And smile is the key to open the heart and the easy way to enter the other’s heart.
Smile and neglected children
Dr. Ali Al-Hammadi said in his book, ”In USA, a special training program for social ability is concentrated to teach neglected children to smile friendly and warmly.”
Actually, this attitude has a result that is a big success in the effort of saving the children from the isolate feel.
The 'true' smile is a heart's net
Smile is an easy facility to catch the other’s heart. You don’t need to do anything except smile sincerely and calmly. A person will be interested with someone who smile to the other’s sincerely. And he/she will avoid from the people who have no smile on their face.
Smile and happiness
Smile is a magic that can fight the angry, release sadness and change the face of life and coloring it with cheerful color. Many researches about psychology get a conclusion that a sweet smile can increase happiness in someone’s feel and their confidence.
Smile and hope
• Smile, and never bored. Because with smile, you can change a dark black to be bright and shine.
• Smile, because your smile will raise your hope and happiness to the other.
• Smile, because your smile will close the sadness and despair.
• Smile, because your smile is sign of kindness in our world.
• Smile is your way to reach your dreams and optimism.
Smile raises your spirit
Edison said, ”Smile is quickly enter into yourself and make you feel happy and can raise a spirit.”
Many psychologists said, “When you lose, you have to smile. Because of it, the winner will lose the precious of win.
Smile increases your confidence
Now, look at mirror and smile! Be a friend with your smile, do and practice yourself to smile when you are in front of many people. So that, you will find that the result of this action is amazing.
Smile is charity without money
Who among us that do not want to give charity every day without having to spend money? The way to do it is taught by Prophet Muhammad SAW, he said,

"Your smile before other people is a charity."(HR.Tirmidzi)
So that, every smile that you give in front of human, whoever they are, will give you a reward as the reward of charity.
Smile has many amazing effects that change your life. From these, we can conclude that a person who always smiles is a happy, lucky, healthy, success, handsome or beautiful, optimist, and clever person. And of course, a person who follows Prophet Muhammad SAW.. J


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