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Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2010


Flying Without Wings - Westlife

Everybody's looking for that something One thing that makes it all complete You'll find it in the strangest places Places you never knew it could be Some find it in the face of their children Some find it in their lover's eyes Who can deny the joy it brings When you've found that special thing You're flying without wings Some find it sharing every morning Some in their solitary lives You'll find it in the words of others A simple line can make you laugh or cry You'll find it in the deepest friendship The kind you cherish all your life And when you know how much that means You've found that special thing You're flying without wings So, impossible as they may seem You've got to fight for every dream Cos who's to know which one you let go Would have made you complete Well, for me it's waking up beside you To watch the sunrise on your face To know that I can say I love you In any given time or place It's little things that only I know Tho...

Modifikasi Sepeda Motor - Supra X Lovelution

Kelasku, XI A 1 dapet tugas buat modifikasi motor... dimodif bo'ongan alias cuma animasinya aja... Dann inilah hasilku.. . Tampak Depan Tampak Samping Tampak Belakang

Strange Plants

Di rumahku, ada banyak banget tanaman. Ada bunga-bunga, pohon buah, sampe tanaman yang bisa dijadikan penyedap masakan. Tapi, di balik itu semua, aku menemukan 'keanehan' pada beberapa spesies. Lebih tepatnya kelainan. Mereka adalah, 1. Daun jeruk tak sempurna Coba deh perhatikan foto di bawah ini! Keliatan jelas kan kalo daun jeruk yang aku kasih tanda itu punya kelainan? Yupz, daun itu bentuknya lonjong, gak lazim seperti teman-temannya yang lain. 2. Adenium Bermahkota Empat Umumnya, bunga adenium atau yang biasa disebut kamboja Jepang, itu punya lima helai mahkota. Tapi ini lain! Coba aja hitung jumlah helai mahkotanya. Cuma empat kan? Dan yang aku amati, udah ada tiga bunga yang mahkotanya cuma empat. 3. Bambu-bambuan setinggi bambu beneran Bambu-bambuan disini bukan bambu bo'ongan lho! Nah, berhubung aku gak tau tanaman ini namanya apa. jadi aku sebut bambu-bambuan karena batangnya mirip kayak bambu. Apanya yang aneh? Well, tanaman ini lazimnya tuh punya tingg...

Sora Aoi

02 April 2010 06:01 am Location : On the top of hill - Perumnas Panji Permai Situbondo 08 May 2010 07:46 am 10 May 2010 09:48 am 20 May 2010 04:23 pm Location : Basketball Court - SMAN 1 Situbondo 22 May 2010 06:34 am Location : Pendopo Situbondo 28 May 2010 11:09 am Location : Jalan Wijaya Kusuma Situbondo

Lumpia Seafood -- Resep Camilan Basah

Bahan-bahan : Kulit : · Tepung terigu · Telur 3 butir Isi : · Ikan tuna · Wortel · Taoge · Udang · Bumbu-bumbu (bawang putih, garam, merica) · Minyak goreng Cara Pembuatan : 1. Campurkan tepung terigu dan air secukupnya. Aduk hingga merata. 2. Tambahkan telur dan sedikit garam. 3. Goreng adonan kulit tipis-tipis di atas Teflon. 4. Untuk isi, potong korek api wortel,tiriskan. 5. Potong-potong kecil daging tuna dan udang. 6. Haluskan bawang putih, merica dan garam. 7. Tumis bumbu halus ke dalam minyak panas. 8. Masukkan wortel, taoge, tuna dan udang. Tumis hingga matang. 9. Bentangkan kulit lumpia, isi dengan adonan isi. 10. Gulung lumpia, goreng dalam minyak panas hingga matang. 11. Lumpia seafood siap disajikan.


Dilatation Phase Dilatation phase happen when the weather or the body’s temperature is hot. The blood need to emit the heat by stretching the capillary vessel, so the heat evaporate and the color of the skin looks reddish. Contraction Phase Contraction phase happen when the weather or the body’s temperature is cold. The capillary vessel become narrow to keep the heat, so the body won’t lose to much heat and the color of the skin looks pale or bluish.

Black Hole -- Descriptive

Black hole is a big thing in outer space that has a very big gravity. Because of that, it can suck all the things that approach it, include the stars and the planets. Black hole is very dangerous for our earth if it moves approach us. Black hole has many variation sizes. There are the tiny and the huge ones. The huge black hole can suck a big star that is one hundred times bigger than our sun. There are many black holes in our Milky Way galaxy. All the things in our galaxy are moving around the black holes. Many astronomers say that black holes are the center of galaxy because of its mass and gravity.


Nowadays, handphone becomes the one of the primary needs of many people. And I think almost everyone in this world have handphone. Since it found about twenty years ago, handphone is being “a must have and must bring” thing. Everywhere, and everytime. Handphone can make the distance become closer, world become narrow. Just with clicking the numbers button, we can speak to our friend in another place, even in other country. And then with the latest technology of 3G and 3.5G we can also see the face of the caller. That’s so nice! Then, when we feel lonely or boring, we can listen to the radio or music player. Moreover, we can also play many games or download many applications with the internet service. If you find some beautiful views, and you don’t want to lose those moments, you can save it by take some pictures with your mobile camera. Have you ever feel lost? In a place that you never know before? Now, it is not a hard problem. With the high-end technology of handphone, you will know...

Sesungguhnya Kita Bukan Apa-Apa

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh. Yang terhormat, Bapak Masduki dan Bapak Habib Abu Bakar selaku guru pengajar pendidikan agama Islam, serta teman-temanku sekalian yang saya sayangi. Alhamdulillah, marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur ke hadirat Allah SWT, karena atas rahmat dan karunianya, kita masih bisa berkumpul di pagi hari yang cerah ini seperti minggu-minggu sebelumnya dalam keadaan sehat wal afiat. Tak lupa, shalawat dan salam tetap tercurahkan kepada Nabi kita, Muhammad SAW. Hadirin sekalian yang dirahmati Allah, Sifat sombong, takabur dan tinggi hati selalu beranjak dari asumsi bahwa dirinya memiliki kelebihan, keistimewaan, keunggulan dan kemuliaan ketika dihadapkan pada kepemilikan orang lain. Allah membenci makhluk-Nya yang memunculkan sikap dan bersifat sombong. Kesombongan adalah sifat mutlak Allah yang tidak dibenarkan untuk dimiliki oleh selain-Nya. Manusia yang menyombongkan diri berarti telah merampas sifat mutlak Allah. Ia telah berusaha menyamai Allah yang M...


Aku pengen posting semua tugas-tugas yang ada di laptop, siapa tau aja bisa berguna buat para visitors. tapi masalahnya, internet di rumah lemot bangeeet!!! Uhh... gimana iniii??? Ya Allah, berikan jalan buat hamba Ya Allah...

Meine Familie

Ich habe klein Familie. Das sind mein Vater, meine Mutter, meine Schwester und ich. Wir wohnen in Talkandang. Mein Vater heiβt Tri Iswanto. Er kommt aus Magelang. Er ist fϋnfundvierzig Jahre alt. Er hat fϋnf Geschwister. Sein Hobby ist singen. Er ist ein Arbeiter in Sukabumi. Meine Mutter heiβt Dewi Kurnia. Sie kommt aus Situbondo. Sie ist einundvierzig Jahre alt. Sie hat sechs Geschwister. Ihr Hobby ist kochen. Sie ist eine Hausfrau. Meine Schwester heiβt Edelweis Martha Jelita. Sie ist 13 Jahre alt. Sie geht ander SMP 1 Situbondo in Klasse neun-B. Ihr Hobby ist singen. Und ich, Yasmine Citra Dian Utami. Ich bin 16 Jahre alt. ich gehe ander SMA 1 Situbondo. Mein Hobby ist lesen.

Science Olympiad - Astronomy

hey hey all :) how's life? uhmm... i think i haven't post something in this blog for a loooooonggggg timeee!!!! hweheeheheee... and now, I'm back with my story :D Well, I'm so happy now. Do you know why? Because, Alhamdulillah, I can win the Science Olympiad in my regency. i am so happy, but i know it's not the end of my struggle. I have to follow the higher level, the Science Olympiad in Province. okay, i must study hard since now. The battle is 3 weeks more since now. Ouch!! I must prove to this world that i can!!! I can be the winner and I'm not a loser!! :D