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Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2011

Wish You Were Here - Avril Lavigne

I can be tough I can be strong But with you, It's not like that at all Theres a girl who gives a shit Behind this wall You just walk through it And I remember all those crazy thing you said You left them running through my head You're always there, you're everywhere But right now I wish you were here All those crazy things we did Didn't think about it just went with it You're always there, you're everywhere But right now I wish you were here [chorus] Damn, Damn, Damn, What I'd do to have you Here, Here, Here I wish you were here Damn, Damn, Damn, What I'd do to have you Near, Near, Near I wish you were here. I love the way you are It's who I am don't have to try hard We always say, Say like it is And the truth is that I really miss All those crazy thing you said You left them running through my head You're always there, you're everywhere But right now I wish you were here All those crazy things we did Didn't think about it just went ...

NIce Quotes on Twitter

kyuppyquotes Boy: 'I want to give you 2 things' Girl: 'What?' Boy: 'My heart, and my last name' TheLoveRomance Love is a shoulder to cry on, eyes to look after, ears to listen to and a hand to hold on. WeEatQuotes Every girl has their best friend, boyfriend and true love. You know you're lucky if they're all the same person. ♥ TheLoveStories Be careful. Maybe the person u’ve been lookin for has been right in front of u the whole time, they're just disguised as a Good Friend. TheLoveStories Ladies: CUTE guys make u crazy, HOT guys make u drool, COOL guys make u daydream. But FUNNY guys make u fall in love without ever knowing it LifeLikeThiss Only three things in the world make me weak, your arms, your eyes, and your smile. Semoga bermanfaat :)

Cerita Anak Kos

Ini adalah hari ke 6, kalo ga salah, saya ngekos. Di Jalan Pattimura NO. ** , Malang. Sejauh ini sih, saya belum kena home sick syndrome, saya enjoy aja lah... Apa juga yang mau di kangenin? Paling kangen ya sama ortu dan temen-temen. Rumah, Situbondo, sekolah, dll, aku gak kangen tuh :p Mungkin, saya betah banget di sin karena satu alasan: STRATEGIS. Tempat kos saya strategis. Sumpah, pewe banget ngekos di sini tuh. Cuma 10 menit jalan kaki (santai) plus bergosip, atau sekitar 7 menit jalan cepet menuju tempat bimbel. :D Trus, nyari makan di sini ga susah. Di depan, ada yang jual nasgor dan migor, ke utara dikit, ada warung nasi, ke selatan, malah banyak. Apalagi di belakang rumah sakit, beuhh...bingung milihnya! Next, di sini juga deket sama pasar, stasiun, rumah sakit, hotel, toko jilbab yang murah meriah, bakery yang rotinya enak banget, laundry, dan sebagainya... Intinya, saya enjoy jadi anak kos di tempat ini ^_^

Sharing Tentang UN

Gak terasa, udah seminggu lebih berlalu sejak UN dimulai. hmmm... Alhamdulillah, I could do it 99,9 % by myself :D oke, sedikit sharing, terutama buat adek-adek kelas yang suatu saat ntar bakal ikut UN. Di hari pertama, saya dihadapkan dengan pelajaran yang menurut saya sangat subjektif. Apa itu? Yawyaw, Bahasa Indonesia. Sebenernya ya, saya belajarnya juga gak ngotot-ngotot amat, wong menurut saya jawabnya tuh pake hati nurani dan feeling. Eits, tapi ini tidak patut ditiru. Tips: banyak-banyaklah mengerjakan soal-soal bahasa Indonesia. Apa pun itu. Gak peduli soal UN ato soal di LKS. rata-rata ya seperti itulah tingkat kesulitannya. Next, lanjut ke pelajaran kedua. Biologi. Menurut saya, gak terlalu susah juga sih, karena soal-soal yang di UN udah familiar banget buat saya. Misalnya, daur hidup paku dan lumut. Aduh, pasti soalnya ya gitu lah. Yang penting tu rajin berlatih dan menghafal. Hari kedua, yeaah..this is it the monster.. Mathematics. cihuuyyy... selama 2 jam tepat, gak kuran...